About the Global BrainTrust

“A braintrust refers to a group of advisors or experts who provide guidance and advice on complex issues or initiatives. In essence, a braintrust leverages the knowledge and problem-solving abilities of a diverse group of trusted experts to aid in complex decision-making and strategy development. The collaborative nature aims to foster innovation and mitigate individual biases.

This Global BrainTrust is intended to be a quick sounding board, a voice of reason, a human perspective, an expert and informed response, to the changing dynamics surrounding AI’s expansive adoption worldwide. We know AI has been around for decades, and we know of its staggering potential to positively impact the world and humanity at large, but this BrainTrust addresses the other side of AI, the unknowns, the unpredictables, and the potentially threatening.

This is an early phase advocacy mobilization. We need input from stakeholders, from technologists, practitioners, developers, policy-makers, builders, shapers, artists, designers, community champions.

We are humanity, and we want to ensure our world will prosper on our transformative journey towards a better future we will leave to our children.”

– Sana Bagersh, Founder Global BrainTrust

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