1. Welcome
Thank you for being part of the Global BrainTrust consortium. We’ve put together some guides on the top tabs, on how we operate, and how you can be engaged. Since our establishment in May 2024 we have grown in size, and will continue to as we gradually open membership to a wider audience. Our advisory group is led on the techical side by Dr Ahmed Banafa, a leading AI expert based in Silicon Valley, and we have experts who are leading their different areas of specialty.

2. GBT Whatsapp Groups and our Official GBT Channel
We have two Whatsapp groups for the purpose of coordination and information sharing. The first one is for consortium Members Group (click here) and second is for the Advisors Group (click here).

We also have an official GBT Whatsapp Channel (click to follow) which is very different from the first two chat groups. The Channel is a public medium and is the one we want to grow to amplify our impact. We welcome those who want to be admins for the Announcements in the Consortium Members group, and for our public Whatsapp Channel. As adwins, they would share posts, and amplify compelling updates about our work, AI’s trajectory and the impact on humanity.

3, Becoming a Member
We would encourage you to join the Whatsapp Members Group if you want to be part of the consortium, to be informed about what’s going on in the AI space and to stay abreast of our advocacy efforts. (More on this in section B)

4. Becoming an Advisor
Or you could opt to become an Advisor if you have an area of expertise/ perspective that can help shape the discussion. If you join the Advisors Group you can participate more actively, share your opinion, and offer your insights. These outputs would be published as part of our our monthly communiques. The communiques are our statement of record, and they are accessible to the public on our website under the “Communiques” tab, and also issued as press releases to the broader media. (More on this below).

5. The “Hot Topics”
The communiques are the ‘red flags’ or ‘Hot Topics’ that we raise about issues relating to AI development, regulation an adoption. The Hot Topics are placed on one page that is accessible to you, to share your expertise/ view on. The page is located here and it shows all the topics for 2025 that are open for feedback. You can click on the topic you want to comment on, and you’ll be directed to a form to gather your information.

6. The “Communiques”
Once we have ample feedback on any Hot Topic, results are tabulated and developed into the formal ‘GBT’ viewpoint or ‘communique’ that is issued as a press release and also presented, and available to public view. in the communiques page on this website here.

7. Participation in the Communiques
We encourage to participate (ie fill out the hot topic forms} if the topic is in your sphere of interest/ expertise/ advocacy. However if you decide to participate in any of the issues, follow the instructions carefully and be aware that your quote can be potentially used in a release that goes to the public. So by filling out the form your consent is implied. If you don’t want to be quoted, leave the ‘comment’ section empty.

8. Submitting your Views
Please note, you can be as engaged as you like. The BrainTrust’s response (communique/ press release) will go out at the rate of once a month, so be sure to fill out the topic form of your choice as early as you can, as we will tabulate those forms that have the most relevant topics of the day.

9. Content management
The contents of the forms will not be shared externally ahead of the communique’s release. Nothing can be released as representing the Global BrainTrust in any other form than the official Communiques.

10. Suggestions
Suggestions are always welcome, whether they are about the Hot Topics, the operation of the braintrust, our advocacy strategies and how we can achieve greater impact.


1. Consortium
Our consortium will grow, to our intended diversity of representation. However the intention is to pace growth gradually and deliberately to ensure a broad representation of constituents in both geography and in terms of industry/ professions and background.

2. Member of the Consortium
Members can be engaged in different ways. You can choose to be as active as they wish. The minimal engagement would be to post and share information of use to the consortium. Ideally it would be to also fill out the forms to share your viewpoints, through the topics page (here).

You can also start out as a member of the consortium and later, if you believe you have expertise or a perspective in a specific discipline in the AI debate, apply to become part of the Advisory Group, .

3. Advisory Group
The Advisory Group leads the Consortium, and participates at thought leadership level. You can choose to become an Advisor if you want to be more active. This includes the selection of “Hot Topics”. You can lead the conversation on those issues that relates to your area of specialty. You can also author deeper dive “white papers” or “viewpoints” which then become added to our Communiques, and also get issued as press releases. (See more on this in the next section).

4. Where we Need You
The Global BrainTrust needs doers, those who are committed to lead and shape the conversation. We look for support in content creation (articles/ videos), in marketing (amplification) and in leading events (hosting/ participation).

5. Change of Status
Advisors/ Members can change their status from one to the other, or opt out of the Global BraintTrust at any time.


There are opportunities for consortium members to leverage their involvement to the level of personal growth, thought leadership and advocacy exposure.

They include any of the following:

a. Opportunity to be quoted in a Global BrainTrust ‘communiques’.
b. Opportunity to represent and amplify our mission/ messaging.
c. Opportunity to author an op-ed, deeper dive “white paper” or “viewpoint’.
d. Become a speaker in future BrainTrust roundtables, and other events.
e. Participate as a speaker in Global BrainTrust videos shorts and webinars.
e. Organize your own Global BrainTrust event/ webinar to support advocacy.

CONNECT: To give feedback, recommenations, or if you have questions share
this within our Whatsapp groups or EMAIL THE ADVISORY BOARD.

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